Thursday, October 1, 2009

Big Broiling Bust

I had my first fail at an attempt of a new recipe this week. Granted, I haven't really tried too many new things that require something I've never done before, but still. FAIL. What was it? A simple pecan crusted chicken.

I had printed off a recipe online that sounded wonderful, however, didn't exactly read through the directions (A problem I face more often than I should ha). I just saw that the only extra things I would need to buy from the store were soy sauce and pecans. SIMPLE! Hooray!

As I started making the dish, I realized it said 'in a broiler...' I stared at it and was trying to figure out what to do. What was my solution? ... When in doubt, call Mom. Mom said you could do a home-made version by putting a rack over a cookie sheet to drain. However, the only rack I had was in the toaster oven. I took the oddly shaped rack and placed it on the cake pan (all the cookie sheets were dirty) and admired my DIY broiler. You mix honey and soy sauce for the beginning - that went well...then you dip the chicken in it and proceed to cover with pecans. As I dipped I realized it wasn't quite coating as well as what I thought it should...which continued on to the pecans. A few of them stuck, but looked nothing like what you would see in a magazine...or even close. SO I covered what I could, laid it on the metal concoction, and watched as the pecans slid off the chicken. I grabbed a few and sprinkled them in the naked areas and looked at it as I thought to myself "huh...this is not going to work". I carried on, however, thinking maybe it could possibly turn out somewhat decent.

The next step was to broil on each side of the chicken for 2 minutes. I put it in, set the timer for 1:40, and cleaned up some stuff while I waited. Timer buzzes, I open the oven door, and see my beautiful creation. My beautiful, black, burned creation. Lovely. 2 minutes in the oven and it burned. HA. I took it out to survey the damage - I turned one of the chicken breasts over. It was still raw on the other side. I contemplated " maybe if I pick off the pecans and just made" and then realized that pecan crusted chicken was not suppose to be chicken with crusty pecans. Therefore the chicken dinner went gladly into the trash can.

It may take me a little while to be brave enough to try to broil something again. Grilled chicken sounds just fine to me :)

There ya have it. The one on the right is what burned and the one on the left is what I turned over to show the raw pecan un-crusted chicken.

By the way! New email - if anyone wants it. I guess the entire world could see that if I wanted so it should be interesting to see what types of emails I get, but I'll take that chance. That one is just mine so that if anything needs to be just between me and you (whoever you may be) it can happen! Chad and I still have the other one though, don't worry :)


Lauren Way said...

aw, sorry the chicken was a bust. But hey, welcome to Google email!
I love it!

Nancy said...

Being able to laugh at yourself is a GREAT quality, and will carry you far! Not everyone can do that - they take themselves too seriously.
In the meantime, you're gaining some cooking experience! Seems like the recipe should have worked though ...did you read any of the people's reviews on line who had tried the recipe? That can be really valuable.

KEEP TRYING! (and writing about it - ha ha)
Aunt Nancy

karen cavender said...

I can't believe I'm JUST now getting around to reading this!! I think it's amazing that you've been married OVER a year and you're JUST NOW having your first failure in cooking! You should celebrate that! I think MY first came within the first week after the honeymoon! ha

Yes, broiling can be tricky....but the more you do it the more you start to understand. But grilling is a good option,too. :)

Anonymous said...

I love to broil things, so don't give up! Do you need a broiler pan for Christmas?????
Aunt Sandy