Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

{Ok yes I'm behind but don't forget to scroll down and make sure you are caught up on posts!|}

Here is a picture update of random things since Ava has come home!
First time in her swing :)

Ava and her friend Micah - they are exactly a week apart!
First walk!

She was a little grumpy :)
In Memphis, just chillin

Ava and her ... nana? Still working on a name...


I just LOVE her face in this picture

Look at the perfect placement of the faucet HA!

Here comes the bride...

Projectile spit up ... EVERYWHERE

Ava and Daddy!


Anonymous said...

I've seen most of these pics. But I hadn't seen the pic of the projectile spit up!! ha (well, not "ha", but you know what I mean) That happened to us TOO many times with our kids!!
Aunt Sandy

karen cavender said...

There are some great pictures that would be good for making captions! Ava's expressions are priceless in some of these!