Sunday, September 25, 2011

Birthday Celebration

Wednesday was my birthday! I am now a whopping 24 years old. It was actually a great day. I went to work and was greeted with banners and streamers and a balloon tied to my chair. I got lunch from The Fish Market (thanks APG!) and we finished up work early! I headed home and was unloading the car and getting everything situated and I put some things in the fridge and saw that there was some Babybel cheese in there and I knew it wasn't there before! I turned to Chad and was like "aww you bought some babybel cheese!" and he just stared at me and said "...well that wasn't the first thing you were suppose to notice..." then he glanced towards our coffee table.  That's when I saw the roses, babybel cheese and crackers along with some sparkling grape juice, and a card - all lit up by a candle. Once again I ruined a surprise haha but it was still just as sweet!
After admiring the flowers and reading my (very sweet) card, we packed up the fam (ha, its fun to say that) and headed to Olive Garden with a gift card! Dinner was great, and Ava did perfect.

Thanks so much to everyone who sent cards! It is always so fun going to the mailbox and getting to open birthday cards :)
Thanks to everyone else for all the birthday wishes and gifts! It's been a great birthday this year!


Chelsie said...

What a sweet husband you have!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe I'm seeing this post just now! I'm glad you had such a great birthday! You deserve it! And love Chad's romantic birthday surprise! He's the best!!! :)

Your Birth Mother (tee hee hee)