Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Blog is Back - ALRIGHT!

For those of you who did not grow up in the 90's, the title is a tribute to the talented boy band The Backstreet Boys. Loved them.
Anyway - I'm back! My entire life is organized. Everything has a place, my kids are perfectly well behaved, I'm no longer stressed about anything, my house is 100% clean all the time, and I fix home cooked meals every day of the week.

How did I accomplish all of this you ask?


I lied about it :)

No, my entire life is not perfectly organized. However, there have been lots of changes in our life lately that will now allow me to start keeping everyone informed again! *hooray!*

What changes? Well, we no longer live in Alabama. Huge life change in itself. I no longer work with my Dad - another life change. Chad no longer works on commission or tips or any other non-budgetable payment like that (thank goodness!). The girls have started a mother's day out program (*tear!*). And many more.

One of the biggest changes, and the reason I'm able to do this blog now, is that .... ready?.....I get a lunch break! Yes. A real one-hour-to-myself lunch break. Not a 5 minute shove your lunch down your throat break, not a lunch break where you really have to work through it, a REAL lunch break. I've never had this before! I know this is a normal thing for most people, but it is my first time and I love it! I can sit and do absolutely nothing. I can nap. I can watch a TV show. I can eat my LUNCH! And most importantly for you, I can blog!

SO be prepared for Mobile Mondays, updates on the girls, updates on our lives, updates all around!

The Burris' are back!


Lauren Way said...

what? WHAT? awesome!! welcome back! :)

Karen said...

hahaha I am so glad to see your blog again! Of course, if I was writing about all the changes that have gone on in our family lately, it would be so long that nobody would have time to read it! Good job condensing it and keeping it simple....I need to learn from you! ha

Congrats on the LUNCH hour, too!! Woo hoo!