Wednesday, July 21, 2010

14 Weeks

Your Baby: Week 14

Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.
Your baby is continuing to grow and mature at this point. Your baby’s arms are going to begin to lengthen and be more proportioned to the rest of the body. The liver is beginning to produce bile, while the spleen is beginning to produce red blood cells.
The development of your baby’s brain enables him/her to use his/her facial muscles to grimace, frown, and squint. He/she may even be sucking his/her thumb. Because you have begun the second trimester and most of the critical development has been completed, the chance of miscarriage decreases.*

How Far Along: 14.5 Weeks!
Total Weight Lost/ Gained: you guessed it, 130 still.

Maternity Clothes: My wonderful mother bought me my first Maternity items :) She surprised me with a very cute jean skirt! It has one of those enormous panels on it that stretches with you which I think is hilarious to look at right now, but surprisingly VERY comfy! We went into Target that night to try to find a shirt for our Family Reunion luck. Everything is HUGE or weird haha. ONE shirt worked, but it was black (we must wear white or navy) but she bought it for me anyways!
Gender: We will know AUGUST 12TH!!!
Movement: Nope. My cousin has felt some though and she's just 3 weeks ahead of me so it'll be soon!
What I miss: Coffee, brain, and my head feeling normal and not having headaches.
Sleep: Eh, its up and down.
Symptoms: Ok...still waiting on this 'energy boost' everyone raves about. Mine definitely has not hit yet. At all.
Cravings: Really no specific cravings lately- just a lot of foods that sound REALLY good.
Best Moment this week: Found out Tuesday that there is a place who does FREE ultrasounds- and we got in for an appointment THURSDAY!
What I'm looking forward to: The ultrasound of course and next month when we know boy or girl!

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