Saturday, March 12, 2011

The crazy things we do

Alright before you read any further, this is your warning. There will be an image below containing a poopy diaper like you've never seen. Continue reading at your own risk...   :)

So today we were all 3 sitting on the couch when we heard 'the noise' cuing us that Ava just had a dirty diaper. Hooray! we thought because Ava's normal routine is to wait until she is nice and FULL and then go. So about every 2-3 days. So we heard the noise, and I took her in to get her changed. When I went to unsnap her outfit  IT WAS EVERYWHERE! Here is a picture AFTER we got her clothes off...
Poor thing. It is amazing though, after swimming around in poo we were still kissing her little head all over the place. It would have been a completely different story if Winston had done something like this... haha


karen cavender said...

I am STILL stunned at seeing this!! Not that you actually took a picture and published it for all the world to see, but that it is AMAZING how she looks!! Wow, oh wow! Plus the look on her face is absolutely priceless! You could put some good captions to that! ha ha ha

And you're absolutely would have been a completely different kind of story if it had been Winston! :) guys get today's Parent-of-the-Day award!!

Aunt Nancy said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!! I can tell you that I've seen this happen before, but for some reason we never thought to take a picture of it!!

Anonymous said...

I'm cracking up!! This is such a perfect picture - love her facial expression! This will be a great one to get out when she's 14 or so. I remember those kinds of messes...brings back unpleasant memories - ha!! I'm glad Chad is smiling. : )
Love, Aunt Sandy

Brittany said...

wow, you were right! It was bad!!!!

Lauren Way said...

We just had a similar experience with Dylan yesterday morning. Not fun!