Friday, October 22, 2010

Beach Getaway

My family had found an awesome deal on a house at Alligator Point FL (the place we always go in freezing cold February) and invited us to go along! It was a 6 bedroom house  - and awesome. My cousin who is also pregnant and her husband also came, along with her parents (my aunt and uncle) and the Baxters! We had so much fun and the weather was PERFECT. We were thinking it might be a little cold but it was just perfect. The house was incredible, the food was incredible, the weekend was incredible :) Here is the house:

Dad and Chad also went fishing a TON and caught a lot of cool stuff:

Yep - thats a shark. We were in the water with these things!

Here's just other random pictures from the weekend:

These are a lot of the sand dollars Chad and I found - Yes, just the 2 of us.

This is a place we WENT to to eat..and didn't...

This is the place we actually ended up at...

And of course the infamous picture


Lauren Way said...

great pictures! looks like ya'll had fun!

karen cavender said...

Oh, just looking at these pictures and reading about going there makes me want to go back!!! That sure was glad you guys could go! That was nice of your boss to let you off! ha