Wednesday, October 27, 2010

28 Weeks!

28 Weeks!
Last week of egg plant!

Your baby is about 14 ¼ inches long and weighs in at 2 ½ pounds. (This means Ava is probably 15-15.5 inches and 2 3/4 pounds ha)
Your baby’s brain is really beginning to develop into a more complex organ. Up until this point, your baby’s brain has been relatively smooth, but beginning this week his/her brain will develop grooves and indentions along its surface. The amount of brain tissue also begins to increase during the 28th week.

The development of hair also continues. Eyebrows and eyelashes are visible, while the hair on your baby’s head grows even longer. Your baby is also starting to look a little rounder as the fat storage under the skin continues to develop. This is an important part of development that will continue through the remainder of your pregnancy.
Total Weight Lost/ Gained: 150. 22 pounds. *Breath in....Breath out....*  :)

Maternity Clothes: Mom took me out this week and we finally got some maternity jeans! Let me just say this...THEY ARE SO COMFORTABLE. I don't know if I'm going to want to change OUT of them once Ava is here. Really, they are awesome.

Gender: A baby girl :)

Movement: Still an active little angel. First thing in the morning until late at night haha. I know I'm going to miss feeling those little bumps all the time. Lately she's started kicking lower which means more frequent bathroom trips for me.

What I miss: Sleep, being able to sit up from a lying down position easily (it really is hilarious and I know its just going to get worse), being able to stand up for long periods of time and have it not affect me

Sleep: Some good nights, some bad nights. Nothing seems to help 'more' or 'less' just depends on the night.

Symptoms: (all the same) Fatigue, headaches, fast growing nails, baby brain, feeling hot, my hormones making me 'outspoken', big fingers, legs that are killing me, back that is killing me, not sleeping well, and could I complain any more? (let me just make it clear however that I would endure all this and more and am loving it because I know this is DEFINITELY all worth it :)----these are pretty much still all the same but I think I'm just getting used to it? because it doesn't seem 'as bad' now.

Cravings: I just really love grape juice. This 'craving' has stuck around a while now.

Best Moment this week: We got our nursery room cleaned out and now we are about to start working in it! Chad has almost finished sanding down the dresser/ changing table and our glider is already in the room!

What I'm looking forward to: This weekend we are painting the nursery and hopefully our crib is coming this week so we can start on that! I am just so excited!!
So like I said we were able to take a completely JUNK room and turn it into a lovely clean soon-to-be nursery in basically a day. Our crib is suppose to be delivered this week and so we can get that - when we do I get to measure and begin making the baby bumpers! Still will be interesting to see how that goes haha. We don't really have big plans for Halloween, but we will see what happens!

-Funny story: There is a little boy in our small group who is now almost 2. We have baby sat him 2 times now and always hang out with him Sunday night at group and during church, etc etc. A couple Sundays ago I was in the nursery with him and the other kids. He LOVES baseballs, soccer balls, basketballs, etc so we were playing with a small plush basketball throwing it around and such, and then I put it under his shirt and he would laugh and try to get it out- this game went on for a while and then he looked up at me, looked at my belly, and then said "ball!" and proceeded to try to get the 'ball' from underneath my shirt. It was SO FUNNY! I tried explaining to him that there was no ball, but he did not understand and we had to move on to other things to play with haha.

                             ***WARNING: The next picture is a BARE BELLY bump pic! :) ***


Lauren Way said...

I wish that number was my lbs. ugh.

karen cavender said...

Wow...starting on the room! How exciting! Sounds like you guys are doing great with planning it all out! Can't wait to see the finished product!!

You are so brave to put a bare belly picture up!! But if I had looked that cute when I was pregnant I might have done that too! ha