Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Yes I'm a day late, but what were you expecting? :)

Happy Mother's Day to all those wonderful mother's in my life. You have all been amazing role models in my life and I don't know where I would be without you.

It was also MY first Mother's Day! It was crazy having people tell me 'Happy Mother's Day' all day long. That's right! I'm a Mom! hehe

I love this picture because it's my mom, chad's mom, and ME as a mom all in one. LOVE.
One day during the week before Mother's Day Chad came home and said he had been trying to call me and asked why I didn't answer. I looked at my phone (which had been messing up a TON) and said it didn't show any calls! I was frustrated that it was messing up again but then, from behind his back, Chad pulled out a bag and said 'Happy Mother's Day'! Any guesses?
Yep. An iPhone 4. It - is - amazing. So fast and the camera is just perfect! I will now be able to capture those cute little Ava moments at any time. It also has video and FaceTime calls so people can see Ava when they call! Hooray! Let me now tell you the true amazingness of my husband. How did he get this very expensive phone? He used his BIRTHDAY GIFT CARDS to buy MY phone. Yes. I told you - amazing. I couldn't ask for a better guy. Thank you so much Chad.
Mom pitched in some too so thanks mom!!


Lauren Way said...

great pic! :)

Karen said...

Your first Mother's will remember this forever. Welcome to Motherhood, Cristy! It's a wonderful world to be a part of!

I love you!