Monday, August 23, 2010

19 weeks

Your Baby: Week 19

Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature. (**this isn't very exciting news this week haha**)
Round ligament pain is most common during the second trimester. Women begin complaining of a sharp pain in their abdomen or hip area that is either on one side or both. Some women even report pain that extends into the groin area. Round ligament pain is considered a normal part of pregnancy as your body goes through many different changes. (**this has definitely happened along with awful leg cramps almost daily! whew! It's always reassuring to be thinking "is this normal?" and then get an email the next day explaining everything though ha**)
How big is your baby?
Your baby has grown so much during these 19 weeks but is still a little under 7 inches long and weighs about 7 ounces. Don’t worry, he/she still has a lot of growing left to do (**Ava was 7 inches 7 ounces at her check up 1.5 weeks ago**)

How Far Along: 19 Weeks!
Total Weight Lost/ Gained: up 6.5 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: I'm finding more and more of my own clothes that I haven't worn in FOREVER because it gave an appearance of my belly being kinda poochy, which now means the shirts are PERFECT!
Gender: A baby girl :)
Movement: Nada. Thanks a lot placenta.
What I miss: sleep sleep sleep. and coffee. an iced coffee would be just so wonderful.
Sleep: ugh
Symptoms: I'm exhausted- this heat is making it worse. I just feel so bad for all my friends who are 8/9 months pregnant right now. BLEH!
Cravings: Food.
Best Moment this week: no big moments really. i'll keep ya updated :)
What I'm looking forward to: feeling Ava move!

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